Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessica. Aren't you like 30 now?

Jessica, Jessica, Jessica. Where to begin. Lets see. Should I start with the time you frenched your own brother? Or helped me bury Mels poop outside? Or how you used to sneak out of your room EVERY night you 17th year and NEVER got caught. Lets see..... I have been going on 5 hours of sleep for a month now so I am having a hard time thinking us some fun stories.) We used to cruise the strip together(after Jess had locked the doors of course.) Or yesterday when we were sitting in the bank drive through and Clifton yelled really loud "TODAY IS JESSICA HUGHES BIRTHDAY!!!" And the guys in the car next to us yelled "Happy Birthday Jessica!" Poor Jesse got as red as a tomato. I laughed my butt off. Or, remember the time I would drive your little green car and once you hit like 30mph it would start vibrating and I would hummmm along with it till you were yelling at me to shut up. Oh, good times. (Ignore my scary hair please.)

Remember this? When I thought your big butt wouldn't fit on Micah's bike. Boy was I proven wrong, huh. Lol. Of course I got pictures, like I would let an opportunity like that pass.

She has always kinda adopted my kids. For a while anyway. Right now she is totally obsessed with Conner. Poor Conner can't do anything when she is around because she is always stuck to his butt the whole time.

Before Conner was Madyson...

Remember the time Josh and Clinton locked us in that shed and said if we lasted 3 minutes of them throwing smoke bombs in with us that they would give us a jar of money. You lasted 2 and they took off running down the hill with smoke blowing behind you in the wind. Lol. You looked like someone had caught your hair on fire.

New hair color after dying over the Crack head blond.

Remember when I was learning to drive a stick shift and was making it buck so bad that Mom, you and Beth were laughing so hard no one could tell me how to stop the car from doing that. I tried it with Dad too but he laughed also and I finally just kicked everyone out and did it myself.

She eventually got rid of those braces and turned out pretty normal looking.

Here are pictures from her party last night at Chili's. Fun times!

I like getting pics of me and Mel cause we look so much alike. Cheeks, noses, smiles. And I used to have a chin like that before mine dropped.

The Birthday Girl and her Hubby, Josh.

Me and the stripper we hired to dance for her. He was kinda cute, right!

We did have Cliff and Josh make the stripping music as Tim left but he wouldn't even swing his handcuffs around his head. Party Pooper!

If you've ever seen Beth's favorite show "Toddlers and Tiara's" then you will recognize this next pose. Beth's new face to make. We like making fun of it too though.

The Fun Sisters!!! HA! Like that Amos? He, He.

You'll notice that ALL of us are wearing some sort of pink. It was totally not planned. Also, this picture sucks because of the reflection in the glass but no one wanted to move to fix that.

The Ho's!

I think we sang to her like 3 times. Loud too, had to embarass her as much as possible since she has been yelling for the past week that it's her Bday week any time she wants something.


  1. Well, if "fun" means "sluts", then you got THAT caption right! :)
    I told you to DELETE that picture of me. You're back on my DEADTOME List.
    Okay, your stories was funnier, but I have the same kind on Beth ;) You two are so cute LOL.

  2. i cant believe you i AM a sister or has everyone forgotten (except to amy im mad at her) so this totally stinks when i get older im going to get 5 friends and call them my sisters and we'll have fun without you, thanks for inviting me to chili's by the way.

  3. Looks like you guys had a blast. Louise, you have the best hubby ever! He's so photogenic.

    Happy birtday again Jess. I love you all!

  4. thanks linn. I think he's pretty hot too. Lol. We always have fun when the sisters get together.
